Just when you thought Lady Gaga's wardrobe couldn't get more unique and insane, it literally skyrockets to out of this world.
At Madison Square Garden, Lady Gaga showcased an array of jaw-dropping outfits. One of the first was this white layered gown and gigantic matching head piece. She could have been a mistaken for a snowflake if she was 4 inches tall. It appears as if her stylist was hyped up on coffee, grabbed a pair of scissors, and went nuts!
I'm astonished that Lady Gaga chose such the next outfit to wear. Instead of making her stand out like usual, the black bustier bra and resembling black underwear related the superstar to Madonna. I was a little disappointed in her choice since she usually rocks her own definition of style. She actually looks like Christian Siriano's catchphrase 'hot mess' if it had a specific image. She kind of reminds me of the characters in plays and tv shows that entertain kids. I'm sure she would scare away kids in this getup. I dont know what she was thinking when she wore this.
I cannot pinpoint exactly why I like this look. Its definitely not the headpiece. Gaga, not everything in fashion has to match. It's very cutting edge (literally) and futuristic life pours out of it. It takes alot of guts to wear this. Kudos Lady Gaga!!!
Later fashobs!!!
Source: omgyahoo.com
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